Employment Recruitment and Requirements Policy
Next Challenge will maintain a pool of potential employees that can be recruited as required. Recruitment is undertaken as needed and through informal and formal processes as required. Next Challenge maintains high employee flexibility in terms of arrangements and working hours.
Next Challenge advocates advancing equality of opportunity, community participation and quality of life for all people. This particularly applies to employment options. Next Challenge has a team approach to finding solutions from a functional perspective for both our clients and our employees. This ensures that our employment policies remain as flexible, adaptable and innovative as possible, to offer superior employment opportunities for prospective professionals and support staff.
Next Challenge has a clear human resource vision that our organisation will offer a supportive workplace fostering growth and development of all employees. Next Challenge business plans and human resource plans reflect our key principles for all employees of:
Next Challenge requires that all employees abide by the Next Challenge Code of Conduct.
We believe that these principles and the philosophy of all Directors of Next Challenge foster an ideal environment for employment of a diverse range of people, inclusive of people with a disability. As a therapy and support service for children and a consultancy service for allied health professionals, Next Challenge has considerable awareness of and strategies for enhancing employment opportunities for persons with a disability.
All Next Challenge procedures and actions uphold principles of fairness, equity, transparency and consistency for current and prospective employees.
Next Challenge will employ professionals who have the skills, qualifications and vision to meet the needs of Next Challenge. Vacant positions will be advertised seeking expressions of interests. Short-listed applicants will be offered an interview based on their written application and their ability to address the selection criteria and relevant clinical experience. Interviews will be conducted in an appropriate setting with set interview questions. The applicant that best meets the selection criteria for the position will be offered the position and notified in writing.
Interested people can directly register their interest in joining the Team at Next Challenge, via the Next Challenge website. Suitable expressions of interest are added to Next Challenge’s pool of potential employees, and contacted when a position becomes available.
Employees are provided with a contractual document to be read and signed before employment commences. All employees will be employed on an initial three month probationary contract. This contract stipulates all employment guidelines and compliance requirements based on these policies to ensure employees are aware and compliant with the minimum standards.
Minimum requirements and evidence of these is required to be provided prior to commencing employment and then annually for the duration of employment. A copy is stored on the employee’s records.
Requirements prior to Commencement:
Where a criminal conviction has been recorded against the person, the Directors will have made a formal determination about the person’s suitability as an employee or volunteer and a copy of the determination will be recorded and followed.
Employees will all be assigned a manager. Employees will complete a Next Challenge induction with the guidance of their manager including but not limited to training in Occupational Health and Safety and Emergency Procedures.
Employee documents are stored on Monday.com, and managed by Next Challenge Administration Staff, who ensure that documents are always valid. Other employee details are saved and filed, with access limited to both Directors of Next Challenge. Any paper-based employee documents will be stored in a locked filing cabinet accessible to Next Challenge directors only.
Date of Policy: October 2003
Date Review Completed: April 2020
Due for Review: July 2024
Next Challenge advocates advancing equality of opportunity, community participation and quality of life for all people. This particularly applies to employment options. Next Challenge has a team approach to finding solutions from a functional perspective for both our clients and our employees. This ensures that our employment policies remain as flexible, adaptable and innovative as possible, to offer superior employment opportunities for prospective professionals and support staff.
Next Challenge has a clear human resource vision that our organisation will offer a supportive workplace fostering growth and development of all employees. Next Challenge business plans and human resource plans reflect our key principles for all employees of:
- Empowerment;
- Enhancement of skills and knowledge;
- High ethical and moral standards;
- Respect;
- Trust;
- Family focused;
- Highly flexible employment options;
- Adaptable site of work options (i.e. work from home options);
- Teamwork;
- Principles of natural justice; and
- Protection of Human Rights and Freedom from Abuse and Neglect.
Next Challenge requires that all employees abide by the Next Challenge Code of Conduct.
We believe that these principles and the philosophy of all Directors of Next Challenge foster an ideal environment for employment of a diverse range of people, inclusive of people with a disability. As a therapy and support service for children and a consultancy service for allied health professionals, Next Challenge has considerable awareness of and strategies for enhancing employment opportunities for persons with a disability.
All Next Challenge procedures and actions uphold principles of fairness, equity, transparency and consistency for current and prospective employees.
Next Challenge will employ professionals who have the skills, qualifications and vision to meet the needs of Next Challenge. Vacant positions will be advertised seeking expressions of interests. Short-listed applicants will be offered an interview based on their written application and their ability to address the selection criteria and relevant clinical experience. Interviews will be conducted in an appropriate setting with set interview questions. The applicant that best meets the selection criteria for the position will be offered the position and notified in writing.
Interested people can directly register their interest in joining the Team at Next Challenge, via the Next Challenge website. Suitable expressions of interest are added to Next Challenge’s pool of potential employees, and contacted when a position becomes available.
Employees are provided with a contractual document to be read and signed before employment commences. All employees will be employed on an initial three month probationary contract. This contract stipulates all employment guidelines and compliance requirements based on these policies to ensure employees are aware and compliant with the minimum standards.
Minimum requirements and evidence of these is required to be provided prior to commencing employment and then annually for the duration of employment. A copy is stored on the employee’s records.
Requirements prior to Commencement:
- Professional Indemnity Insurance;
- Professional membership;
- Registration (Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy);
- Working with Children Check; and
- National Police Clearance (3 year validity range)
- NDIS Worker Screening
Where a criminal conviction has been recorded against the person, the Directors will have made a formal determination about the person’s suitability as an employee or volunteer and a copy of the determination will be recorded and followed.
Employees will all be assigned a manager. Employees will complete a Next Challenge induction with the guidance of their manager including but not limited to training in Occupational Health and Safety and Emergency Procedures.
Employee documents are stored on Monday.com, and managed by Next Challenge Administration Staff, who ensure that documents are always valid. Other employee details are saved and filed, with access limited to both Directors of Next Challenge. Any paper-based employee documents will be stored in a locked filing cabinet accessible to Next Challenge directors only.
Date of Policy: October 2003
Date Review Completed: April 2020
Due for Review: July 2024